How the app was designed
The app was designed to leverage the tested Tapping Method. This is also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping and it helps by allowing you to focus on a particular problem in your life. The Tapping Method relies on tapping specific energy points on the body, similarly to acupuncture therapy. The app uses Flutter as the Mucy team wanted to reach as many devices as possible, along with tablets and phones.
Design principles
When I was designing the UX for the application, one of the main principles was to make it easy to navigate, and when navigating the flow of the application must be easy to understand. I landed on a linear flow to the application where you can only move forward once you are ready. This prevents lots of confusion, and I added hints along the way to help out.
As for the UI, this was designed along with Kevin Manka who helped create much of the apps graphical elements and general look.
For example here is some concept art for the Tapping Method screen with multiple backgrounds:
Application structure
The app was designed using the MVVM structure for easier readability when building a larger application. When I was developing this project, the intended design was meant to have multiple different mental-health tools included, but the project was cut short, so the initial structure that I chose was overkill for the final product.
As stated in the stacked
documentation, Mucy contains 3 main parts:
- Views: Shows the UI to the user.
- ViewModel: Manages the state of the View, business logic, and any other logic as required from user interaction.
- Services: A wrapper of a single functionality/feature set. This is commonly used to wrap things like showing a dialog, wrapping database functionality, integrating an API, etc.